The Waterman's Journal would like to thank our good friend Captain Chis Donato from Oceanic Sportfishing Adventures fourn at for giving us an insight into the great sport fishery in a land down under... It is the island paradise of Vanuatu.

Vanuatu sounds like the name of an exotic planet out of a science fiction film, while not too far off, Vanuatu is a tucked away little chunk of paradise due 1000 miles east of Australia. This archipelago in the southern Pacific though quite tropical in appearance, in truth has a limited amount of plant and animal life. With that being said, the status of the marine life is quite opposite. There are over 4,000 different species of clams and marine mollusks alone. The multi-specked vocanic island chain that makes up the geography helps create a substantial structure for all marine life, attracting a vast array of predators including many top quality bilfish and gamefish.

But discard the fact that Vanuatu is prone to random Cyclones and Hurricanes, then you will find a hidden fishery that is not normally talked about in the sportfishing world. Much of the fishing is strictly done for personal consumption by households and various minor commercialization. However, if you are in the small niche for big game fishing, you have then landed in a phenomenal location.

Billfish, such as Giant Black and Blue Marlin roam these waters feeding on anything they can devour. Tuna run rampart when conditions approve, and inshore Giant Trevally action can be out of this world. Top-waters and jigs and provide for these beast along with hard headed Dog-tooth Tuna. All in all Vanuatu is an isolated spot on the globe and one to be explored by the adventureous at heart.

Capt. Chris Donato is happy to share some of his recent summer photos, consisting of some incredible action shots and fish!

Below: A Marlin hits a bait and grey-hounds on the surface

Below: An angry Marlin thrashes along side the boat...

Below: An incredible aerial shot of a Marlin after taking a lure in the spread...

Below: Raw power... get your gameface on for battle!

Vanuatu - an archipelago (consisting of several volcanic islands), produces a great amount of structure rising up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This in return acts like a magnet for both predator and prey. Many species stick around the volcanic oasis and call these local waters home. Of these, the greatest of pound for pound brutes, the master of all Jacks, the Giant Trevally . These warriors of the rocks can and will take anything from jigs, live bait, to even top-water lures. But when you hang into one of these hard-fighting monsters, be prepared for an epic battle on light gear.

Below: Hooked up to a Vanuatu GT

Below: Hard work pays off and they boys get 'color' on the fish...

Below: Finally, after a hellacious fight, the crew shows off donkey GT

The Waterman's Journal would like to thank Capt Chris Donato and for sharing their greatness with the fishing world. Expect to see more from Chris and guys from deep down in the South Pacific!

Interested in a fishing adventure of a lifetime in the remote lands of Vanuatu?? You may find more info, including booking a trip at , or clicking the banner below...

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