

Capt. Josh Temple Unleashed: Clarion & Beyond - Part II

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Capt. Josh Temple Unleashed: Clarion & Beyond - Part II
![](/media/post_content/clarmain.jpg) ![](/media/post_content/clarionmap-2.jpg) I stood on the back deck of the boat this morning, ...

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An Expanded View into the World of Daytime Swordfishing

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An Expanded View into the World of Daytime Swordfishing
![](/media/post_content/swordmain.jpg) **Islamorada Waters** **Location:** Islamorada, FL The Florida Keys are known for some of the most ...

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A Look into the Monsters of the Inshore World

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A Look into the Monsters of the Inshore World
The **Waterman's Journal** is always on the look out for the anglers and adventurers alike that provide us with stories and pictures that consistently ...

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Billfishing's Undisputed Ironman: Brad Philipps

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Billfishing's Undisputed Ironman: Brad Philipps
![](/media/post_content/b20k01.jpg) **Brad Philipps - Billfishing's Ironman accomplishes incredible feat** ... **Pelagic** and **The Waterman's ...

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Capt. Josh Temple Unleashed: The Panama Saga - Chapter 1

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Capt. Josh Temple Unleashed: The Panama Saga - Chapter 1
![](/media/post_content/panamamap.jpg) The protests had started early. A full two weeks before the family and I were scheduled to head to Panama. A ...

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