MIAMI, FL – It’s that time of year again! Throngs of the Atlantic’s scaly silver king are pushing their way through the South Florida region, with areas just off the Miami coast being particularly loaded with fish. Three weeks ago during the Miami International Boat Show, we were able to make it out for an evening on the water with Captain Russell Kleppinger on his Egret ‘poon platform. The weather was less than ideal, as a cold front pushed through, bringing sloppy, windy conditions. That didn’t stop the fish from biting, as the boys were able to release five Tarpon, all over 100-pounds.

Below: Capt. Russ put Pelagic's Woody Woods and Colin Sarfeh on some serious fish... here, the boys complete the double-header of Tarpon over one-hundred pounds // Souvenirs from the night.

The fish are still there in good numbers, so if you are looking to catch a few heavies, give Capt. Russ a call at (786) 290-FISH .

Below: More happy customers for Russell Kleppinger // They don't always have to be big to be fun - this one came on the fly.

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